
Tuesday, January 11, 2022


0yo - The exploration of life:

Golden Times: 

0yo - The exploration of life.

Year: 1996/1997

Released: 8/10/2019

Genres: Field Recording, Lo-fi, Chill Out, Piano.

Short Plot: This is the introductory mixtape of my childhood. I was born exactly on 26/7/1996, this mixtape starts exactly when I was a baby of zero years. An important detail is that above all the older mixtapes, they are taken from the VHS tapes and the sounds are really from the old VHS tape, it will be like this until the year 2002. The first track is a Field Recording recorded by Greengasm also present in the last mixtape of Dream My Life: "DF XI - Dawn Of Liberation?", original version.

Main Track: /

Tracklist: /

Mixed by Kophedra.

Previous Mixtape Vitae: EV0 - The sounds of life. (1995/1996)
Following Mixtape Vitae: 1yo -The consciousness of the unconscious (1997/1998)



1yo -The consciousness of the unconscious:

Golden Times: 

1yo -The consciousness of the unconscious

Year: 1997/1998

Released: 21/10/2019

Genres: Lo-Fi, Chillout, Piano, Blues.

Short Plot: Although I had 1 year old, I remember very well that I had the ability to be conscious of the information of the unconscious. I didn't know how to speak and I didn't know the meaning of the words, for this reason, my thoughts were exclusively images. My (abnormal) ability to remember information so far away in time at such a small age can make me state that this is the case for all people. Before words, thoughts were only images.

Main Track: /

Tracklist: /

Mixed by Kophedra.

Previous Mixtape Vitae: 0yo - The exploration of life. (1996/1997)
Following Mixtape Vitae: 2yo - The first steps (1998/1999)



2yo - The first steps:

Golden Times: 

2YO - The first steps

Year: 1998/1999

Released: 22/10/2019

Genres: Lo-Fi, Carilion Music, Chillwave, Blues.

Extra Genres: Rock, Dance.

Short Plot: What most represents this year is the beginning of initial growth in learning to do the most primitive things. At the age of two, it was the beginning of the exploration of the environment and the first curiosity about life.

Main Track: /


Mixed By Kophedra

Previous Mixtape Vitae: 1YO -The consciousness of the unconscious (1997/1998)
Following Mixtape Vitae: 3YO - The Disappearance of Pucci (1999/2000)



3yo - The Disappearance of Pucci:

Gold Times: 

3yo - The Disappearance of Pucci

Year: 1999/2000

Released: 31/12/2019

Genres: Carillion Music, Lo-Fi, Tarantella, Pop,.

Short Plot: Among my most fuzzy memories of the 2000s, I remember my first great sorrow from my early childhood. Pucci was a stuffed animal that was given to me at birth and at that time it was taken away and hidden.

Main Track: /


Mixed By Kophedra

Previous Mixtape Vitae: 2yo - The first steps (1998/1999)
Following Mixtape Vitae: 4yo - The collection of toys. (2000/2001)



4yo - The Collection of Toys:



5yo - The Inexhaustible Happiness:



6yo - Endless energy:


7yo - The Unforgettable Year:



8yo - Passion of videogames:



9yo - The threats of the crisis:


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